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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)


Mick Dagohoy
Mick Dagohoy

Tips for updating your app on Google Play when you uploaded an apk that is signed with a different certificate to your previous apks

What is an APK and why does it need to be signed?

An APK (Android Package Kit) is a file format that contains all the components of an Android app, such as code, resources, assets, and manifest. An APK is used to distribute and install Android apps on devices.

Before you can publish your app on Google Play or other app stores, you need to sign your APK with a digital certificate. Signing your APK ensures that:

you uploaded an apk that is signed with a different certificate to your previous apks

  • Your app is authentic and comes from you, the original developer.

  • Your app has not been tampered with or modified by anyone else.

  • Your app can be updated securely and consistently.

  • Your app can access certain features and APIs that require app signing, such as Google Play App Signing, Google Play Licensing, Google Play Protect, and Google Play Instant.

What is an APK signing certificate?

An APK signing certificate is a public-key certificate that contains information about you and your app, such as your name, organization, and app's package name. The certificate also contains a public key that corresponds to a private key that only you have access to.

When you sign an APK, you use your private key to create a digital signature for the APK. The signature is attached to the APK and can be verified by anyone using your public key, which is embedded in the certificate. The verification process ensures that the APK has not been altered and that it comes from you.

An APK signing certificate is also known as a keystore, a key, or an alias. You can generate an APK signing certificate using various tools, such as Android Studio, keytool, or apksigner.

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What are the benefits of signing your APK?

Signing your APK has several benefits for you and your users, such as:

  • Security: Signing your APK prevents unauthorized modifications or malware injections that could compromise your app or harm your users. It also protects your app from being impersonated by other developers who might try to use your app's identity or reputation.

  • Updates: Signing your APK enables you to update your app seamlessly and consistently. Android devices only accept app updates that are signed with the same certificate as the installed app. This prevents someone else from publishing an update for your app that could harm your users or steal their data.

  • Compatibility: Signing your APK enables you to use certain features and APIs that require app signing, such as Google Play App Signing, Google Play Licensing, Google Play Protect, and Google Play Instant. These features and APIs help you distribute your app more efficiently, protect your app from piracy, enhance your app's security and performance, and deliver your app to users instantly without installation.

What happens when you upload an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs?

If you try to upload an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs, you will encounter an error message that says something like this:

"Upload failed. You uploaded an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs. You must use the same certificate. Your existing APKs are signed with the certificate(s) with fingerprint(s): [SHA1: 12:34:56:78:90:AB:CD:EF:12:34:56:78:90:AB:CD:EF:12:34:56:78] and the certificate(s) used to sign the APK you uploaded have fingerprint(s): [SHA1: 23:45:67:89:01:BC:DE:F0:23:45:67:89:01:BC:DE:F0:23:45:67:89]"

This error means that Android has detected a mismatch between the signing certificates of your new and old APKs. This prevents you from uploading the new APK to Google Play or other app stores. a reset of your app signing key, if you meet the following conditions: - You are enrolled in Google Play App Signing, which is a service that lets Google manage and protect your app signing key for you. - You have the original app signing key that you used to sign the first APK that you uploaded to Google Play. - You have not yet published your app to any tracks or released it to any users. If you meet these conditions, you can follow these steps to request a reset of your app signing key: - Create a new key and keystore that you want to use as your new app signing key. Make sure it is different from any previous keys that you have used. - Sign an APK with the new key and keystore, using the same package name and version code as the last APK that you uploaded to Google Play. - Fill out and submit the [contact form] for Google Play support, and attach the APK signed with the new key, the original app signing key, and the upload certificate for the original app signing key. The upload certificate is a public-key certificate that identifies your upload key, which is the key that you use to sign APKs before uploading them to Google Play. You can get your upload certificate by using the [App Signing by Google Play] page in the Play Console, or by using the [PEM export] feature of keytool or apksigner. - Wait for Google Play support to review your request and contact you with the next steps. This option will allow you to keep your existing app and users, but it may take some time and effort to complete. You should only use this option as a last resort, and only if you are sure that you have the original app signing key.

How to sign your APK correctly using Android Studio?

Android Studio is the recommended tool for building and signing Android apps. It provides a user-friendly interface and a streamlined process for generating and managing your signing keys and keystores, as well as signing your APKs.

Here are the steps to sign your APK correctly using Android Studio:

How to generate a signing key and keystore?

You can generate a signing key and keystore using one of the following methods:

  • Using the keytool command: You can use the keytool command-line tool that comes with the Java Development Kit (JDK) to generate a signing key and keystore. The syntax of the command is as follows:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore .jks -alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity

The command will prompt you to enter a password for the keystore and the alias, as well as some information about yourself and your app, such as your name, organization, and app's package name. The command will also generate a .jks file that contains your keystore, which you should store in a safe and accessible location.

Using the Generate Signed Bundle / APK dialog: You can use the Generate Signed Bundle / APK dialog


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