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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)


Andrew Stewart
Andrew Stewart

Download The The Gun Runner Raid Full !LINK! Movie Italian Dubbed In Torrent

The wonderfully wretched apotheosis of almost preposterously bad cheap'n'cheesy Italian/Spanish rip-offs of George Romero's classic (and undeniably influential) "Living Dead" movies, specifically "Dawn of the Dead" with some blatant "borrowings" from "The Crazies" tossed in to further enhance the all-out frenzied wackiness.The plot's strictly one of those "stop me if you haven't heard this one already?"-type affairs: A radiation leak at a nuclear power plant causes all the workers there to mutate into bloodthirsty, rot-faced, butt-stompin' fast and ferocious zombies. An army plane containing the zoms lands at an air force base, the ugly buggers come pouring out in savage droves, kick some major league human ass (the zoms brandish axes, crowbars, and tire irons!), and before you know it an unnamed teeming city (it's supposed to be American, but the Spanish language license plates and signs successfully destroy any remote semblance of verisimilitude) has been completely overrun by the lethal, murderously marauding plasma-gulpin' undead fiends!There isn't much in the way of earth-shattering cinematic scares to be found here, but this fun-filled piece o' crap splatterfest offers plenty of unintentional hilarity: the zombies raid a TV station while a tacky "Solid Gold"-style disco show is being aired on live television (the zoms tear the clothes off the toothsome distaff dancers, thereby proving that even zombies with an insatiable appetite for human hemoglobin have carnal urges just like normal people), a hospital (in one terrifically tasteless scene a zom sticks his pus into the exposed cut-open abdomen of a patient who's being operated on!), and, funniest of all, even a dilapidated abandoned amusement park (would you believe zombies running up roller coasters?). A conspicuously embarrassed Mel Ferror as a stern, grim-faced army general gets to say lots of choice godawful dialog (sample line: "We'll follow emergency Plan H and keep Plan B in reserve if things get out of hand"). Imperishable Mexican B-pic institution Hugo Stiglitz portrays the earnest TV newscaster hero Dean Miller with side-splitting stolidness, somehow keeping a straight (or is that blank?)face amidst the film's rampant inanity (Hugo's finest moment occurs when he bashes in a zombie priest's head in with a large candlestick!). Laura Trotter as Hugo's panicky physician wife cuts loose with these shrill, piercing screams whenever the zombies attack; she's essentially the movie's Official Zombie Siren.Umberto Lenzi directs the whole stupid shebang with remarkable seriousness, maintaining a swift, unflagging headlong pace (however, at one point Hugo and Laura stop off at a roadside café for a quick bite and a drink prior to resuming their mad flight from the zoms!, pausing occasionally for a few heavy-handed debates concerning mankind's flagrant arrogant abuse of the environment (yes, there's a sincere ecology message articulated within this laughably ludicrous picture), and holding nothing back during the outrageously gory zombie carnage. And the hopelessly trite and obvious "it ain't over yet!" conclusion is a genuine gut-buster (Lenzi actually has the amazing gall to have the allegedly terrifying exclamation "The nightmare becomes reality!" splash across the screen in huge bold letters)! A great, idiotic, frequently hilarious, shamelessly derivative, and thus wholly enjoyable Grade Z dumb fun fright film corker.

Download the The Gun Runner Raid full movie italian dubbed in torrent


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