History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf |VERIFIED|
the mughal empire ruled the area from 1526 to 1857. after the fall of the mughal empire, balochistan was divided into the princely states of kalat and las bela. balochistan came under the rule of the khan of kalat when the british overthrew the khan of kalat in 1837. in 1893, the british east india company established the province of baluchistan. it was a district of the province of balochistan and was further divided into three provinces in 1903. in 1885, balochistan became a province of british india. it was a district of the province of baluchistan and was further divided into three provinces in 1903. in 1885, baluchistan became a province of british india.
History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf
zulfikar ali bhutto, a former prime minister of pakistan, conquered the province of baluchistan in 1973. in 1974 the province was split into two: the province of khyber pakhtunkhwa and the province of balochistan. the area of baluchistan is inhabited by baloch people. most of the baloch lands are located in the eastern portion of the province. this province is divided into three areas: the coastal region of balochistan, the highlands of balochistan and the makran coastal region. the makran coastal region is located on the southern coast of pakistan and consists of a strip of coastal land running from the makran to the arabian sea. the population in the makran coastal region is predominantly balochi. the region is inhabited by the baloch people.
the bahawalnagar state was an independent princely state in the middle east. in the year 1839, the princely state of bahawalnagar was established in the region of punjab. it has a large area and has a border with india and afghanistan. the first nawab of bahawalnagar was mir kasim khan bahawalpur. the nawab of bahawalnagar was a princely state of british india. nawab sir kasim khan bahawalpur was a great figure in the history of india. the nawab played an important role in the beginning of pakistan movement. the nawab sir kasim khan bahawalpur is remembered for his services to pakistan and the world. bahawalnagar consists of two regions: the punjab and sindh regions. the population of bahawalnagar is mainly balochi and sindhi.