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How to Get E.B. Nash's Homoeopathic Therapeutics PDF for Free

E.B. Nash Materia Medica PDF Free Download

If you are interested in learning more about homeopathy, you may have heard of E.B. Nash, one of the most influential homeopaths of the 19th century. He wrote several books on homeopathic materia medica, which is the study of the substances used to treat diseases according to the principle of "like cures like". In this article, you will learn more about E.B. Nash, his books, and how you can download them in PDF format for free.

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What is Homeopathy and Who is E.B. Nash?

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that was developed by Samuel Hahnemann in Germany in the late 1700s. It is based on the idea that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people, if given in very small doses. This is known as the law of similars or similia similibus curentur.

Eugene Beauharnais Nash was born in New York in 1838 and graduated from Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College in 1874. He became a professor of materia medica at the New York Homeopathic Medical College and later the president of the International Hahnemannian Association. He was also a practicing homeopath and treated many patients with chronic and acute diseases. He died in 1917 at the age of 79.

What is Materia Medica and Why is it Important for Homeopaths?

Materia medica is the term used to describe the collection of information about the properties, effects, and uses of various substances for healing purposes. It includes descriptions of the sources, preparation, dosage, indications, contraindications, modalities, relationships, and clinical cases of each remedy.

Materia medica is essential for homeopaths because it helps them to select the most suitable remedy for each individual case, based on the totality of symptoms, personality, constitution, and history of the patient. A good knowledge of materia medica enables a homeopath to prescribe with accuracy, confidence, and success.

What are the Benefits of Reading E.B. Nash's Books on Homeopathy?

E.B. Nash was a prolific writer and published several books on homeopathy, especially on materia medica. Some of his most famous books are:

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what are the benefits of reading

  • Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics: This book contains concise and practical information on over 200 remedies, arranged alphabetically by their common names. It also includes grouping and classification of remedies according to their affinities, modalities, keynotes, and clinical tips.

  • Leaders in Respiratory Organs: This book focuses on the remedies that are useful for diseases of the respiratory system, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. It also covers some general topics such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnosis, prognosis, hygiene, diet, etc.

  • Leaders in Typhoid Fever: This book deals with the homeopathic treatment of typhoid fever, a serious infectious disease that was prevalent in Nash's time. It describes the symptoms, stages, complications, prevention, and management of typhoid fever, as well as the indications for over 100 remedies.

  • The Testimony of the Clinic: This book is a collection of clinical cases that illustrate the efficacy and superiority of homeopathy over conventional medicine. It covers a wide range of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, rheumatism, etc., and shows how homeopathy can cure even incurable cases.

  • Regional Leaders: This book is a sequel to Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics and covers the remedies that are specific for certain regions or organs of the body, such as the head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, chest, abdomen, etc. It also includes some general remedies that have a wide range of action.

  • The Therapeutics of Fevers: This book is a comprehensive guide on the homeopathic treatment of various types of fevers, such as intermittent, remittent, continued, eruptive, etc. It explains the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and complications of each fever, as well as the remedies that are indicated for each stage and condition.

  • How to Take the Case and to Find the Similimum: This book is a manual on how to conduct a proper homeopathic consultation and how to find the most similar remedy for each case. It covers the principles and methods of case-taking, analysis, evaluation, repertorization, and prescription.

Reading E.B. Nash's books on homeopathy can benefit you in many ways, such as:

  • Enhancing your knowledge and understanding of homeopathic materia medica and therapeutics

  • Learning from the experience and wisdom of a master homeopath who practiced for over 40 years

  • Improving your skills and confidence in prescribing homeopathic remedies for various diseases and conditions

  • Discovering new insights and tips that can help you solve difficult and complex cases

  • Appreciating the beauty and simplicity of homeopathy as a holistic and natural system of medicine

A Comparison of E.B. Nash's Books with Other Materia Medica Sources

E.B. Nash's books on homeopathy are not the only sources of materia medica available for homeopaths. There are many other authors and books that have contributed to the development and expansion of homeopathic literature. Some of the most famous ones are:


Samuel HahnemannMateria Medica PuraThe original source of homeopathic materia medica, based on Hahnemann's own provings and observations. It contains 65 remedies with detailed descriptions of their symptoms and modalities.

Constantine HeringThe Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia MedicaA monumental work that consists of 10 volumes and covers over 600 remedies. It is based on Hering's extensive clinical experience and research. It emphasizes the characteristic symptoms and keynotes of each remedy.

James Tyler KentLectures on Homeopathic Materia MedicaA classic text that contains 217 lectures on the most important remedies in homeopathy. It is based on Kent's lectures at the Post-Graduate School of Homeopathics in Philadelphia. It presents the remedies in a logical and systematic way, highlighting their mental, physical, and general symptoms.

William BoerickePocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica and RepertoryA concise and practical reference book that contains over 1000 remedies with brief descriptions of their symptoms, modalities, relationships, dosage, etc. It also includes a repertory or index of symptoms that helps to find the appropriate remedy for each case.

Cyrus Maxwell BogerSynoptic Key of the Materia MedicaA unique and innovative book that organizes the remedies according to their general analysis, modalities, causation, concomitants, locations, sensations, tissues, stages, constitution, etc. It helps to understand the essence and totality of each remedy.

Margaret TylerHomeopathic Drug PicturesA collection of vivid and colorful portraits of 125 remedies that capture their personality, temperament, disposition, mood, emotions, etc. It is based on Tyler's personal experience and observation of her patients and colleagues.

Rajan SankaranA modern and innovative book that introduces the concept of the vital sensation and the seve


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